沃柏集团的新闻、学术文章、照片和视频以及日程安排。 有了我们,您不会错失有关塑料技术和密封剂领域的任何资讯。
The Weber group saved 740 tons of CO2 in 2020 and 2021 by supporting climate protection projects in Peru and India.
Despite all, we wish you a Happy Holiday Season and a good and healthy start into the New Year!
高级董事经理Artur Zipp逝世,享年89岁
Hall 4.2, Booth 4BH111 | 19–28 April 2017, Shanghai/China
The Weber Group, a full-service supplier of plastic components and systems, is producing an engine cover with a sporting design for the BMW 2 Active…
Weber produces components for Stokke® StepsTM high chairs.
Weber Dillenburg develops highly functional air vents for single-handed operation